- Title: Yandere Simulator
- Category: Role Playing, Romance
- Developer: YandereDev
- Osana Mod 2020
- Play As Osana Najimi Mod
- Download Yandere Simulator Osana Mod Free
- Yandere Simulator Mod Osana Najimi Download
Download from Official ZIP / Yandere Launcher (Windows only)
Yandere Simulator can be considered a stealth, action game, in development by YandereDev. The game is currently being developed in Unity, and is slowly being updated on a month-to-month basis, with the amount of new content varying.
I found a bunch of Yandere Simulator Rival mods to play with!! Second is the Amai Simulator where we get to see what it's like to be Amai Odayaka for a day. IMPORTANT: Click on Kgftbz not yandere simulator! Also by clicking L you go straight to school Now you can continue reading for the longer descriptions for the R6 or you can read the shorter more boring ones in the game.
The premise for the game is you play as schoolgirl, Ayano Aishi, who’s nicknamed Yandere-chan after the Japanese term “yandere”. Yandere refers to a girl (mostly) who is willing to harass, harm, or even kill due to their romantic attachment to their crush. This term takes its form in gameplay by having the player control Yandere-chan, who must eliminate any and all girls who might show an interest in “Senpai”.
Date: Jan 17, 2017
Filename: YandereSimJan17th-2017.zip (791.2mb)
Download from MEGA
Osana Mod 2020
Date: Sep 12, 2016
Filename: YandereSimLauncher.exe (Download Launcher)
Download from Google Drive
Date: July 13, 2016
Filename: YandereSimJuly13th.zip (721MB)
Download from Google Drive

Date: June 6, 2016
Filename: YandereSimJune6th.zip (791MB)
Download from Google Drive
Latest version: May 7, 2016
Play As Osana Najimi Mod
Filename: YandereSimMay7th.zip (733MB)
Download from Google Drive
Latest version: May 2, 2016
Filename: YandereSimMay2nd.rar (584MB)
Download from MediaFire
Latest version: April 15, 2016
Filename: YandereSimApril15th.rar (584MB)
Download from MediaFire
- If Yandere-chan giggles, and an NPC hears the giggle, but can’t see Yandere-chan, the NPC will become curious and will walk over to investigate the source of the mysterious giggle.
- Fixed bug that would cause students’ bodies to tilt at extreme angles if Yandere-chan spoke to them while standing at a significantly higher or lower elevation.
- Fixed bug that would allow the player to peek into Info-chan’s room by pressing their smartphone camera up against the door.
- Fixed animation bug that would occur if a Hero performed a takedown on Yandere-chan while she was near Senpai.
- Fixed bug that would cause the mysterious laptop girl’s text to remain oscreen after the end of her speech.
- Fixed bug that would prevent Yandere-chan from being able to wear gloves with her sixth uniform.
- It is now possible to join the Gaming Club and activate their Club Benefit.
- It is no longer possible to kill Senpai with a Falcon Punch.
- Added a “Stats” screen to Yandere-chan’s phone.
Latest version: April 4, 2016
Filename: YandereSimApril4th.zip (719MB)
Download from Google Drive
- Fixed bug that was causing students to get stuck on pillars while walking near walls.
- Added new phone artwork for the pause screen and cut-scene where Yandere-chan meets Info-chan.
- Changed pause screen menu so that it uses a grid of phone icons instead of using a text menu.
- Fixed bug that caused a whistle to appear around girls’ necks in their Student Info portraits.
- Fixed camera-clipping issue near the bulletin boards that display club posters.
- Fixed bug that would cause students to get stuck on the cardbox box / desks in one of the hallways on the third floor.
- Fixed bug that would cause the camera to get stuck if the player pulled out their smartphone camera as a delinquent was approaching.
- Fixed bug that would cause the button prompt icons in the basement to not leave the screen when Yandere-chan walked near them.
- Fixed bug that would allow the player to escape a delinquent by laughing as the delinquent was approaching.
- Added support for 4:3, 5:4, and 16:10 monitors.
Latest version: March 17, 2016
Filename: YandereSimMarch17th.zip (707MB)
Download from Google Drive
- Changed the hair color of the corpses at the title screen.
- Added fire extinguishers to the school.
- Removed the “Warning” scene.
Download Yandere Simulator Osana Mod Free
Latest version: March 5, 2016
Filename: YandereSimMarcstrongth.rar (562MB)
Download from OneDrive
by Strawberry-Guro

Working osana!
Instead, Kokona/Midori has wide fan-base now, but cute tsundere Osana will be eliminated without any mercy.
Don't worry about any file transferring. This mod's purpose is to unlock her early just for fun!
... Why can I put the Osana Hair On YanChan Head?
yandere sim you can run and jump and shooting the enemies. HighSchool Simulator girl A 2020: Features : # Every character has her own in Yandere School, # This Instructions for High School Simulator 2019, # Learn how will make Girl of Yandere School, # Learn how to deal with School Girl Yandere Simulator Helper.
Moe Anime High School Dating Sim, Devil Beauty & Animal Cuties! It might seem a little boring to hear about such tiny adjustments, but that’s the entire point; to communicate that, at this stage of development, the only things left for me to do are minor fixes, because all of the major stuff is complete!
Read thousands of ebooks for free, supports online ebook libraries. Will you find eternal love underneath the legendary sakura tree? Two years since the announcement, the game was about ready and no demo. – large amount of details was repeatly changed (image of final game in YandereDev’s mind changed over years). In short: Osana is fully functional, and what I’m doing right now is testing each one of her elimination methods to make sure there aren’t any problems, so I can prepare her for release. It’s a bit early I’d say, I like to think that Osana will be released in early April, just like in the game! : Because Of The Pose mod! This is the most complicated thing with using mods in games but as long as you check what version of the game the mod …
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– characters and hairstyles was re-desighed several times (some characters removed in process). This can do serialization of state for save/load way more simple: if need new boolean flag then assign new bit definition in existing and serialized 32-bit integer property instead of implement and serialize new object boolean property. Do you win the game? I’m probably gonna get more hate then imaginable for this comment, but we’ve been waiting for YEARS just for a demonstration ! Download latest version of the Yandere Simulator and previous versions of the Yandere Simulator. I’m running out of patience. ... Time flies and here we are in 2020, a lot happened : I was good at English now, I distanced myself from the yansim community (French and English) after finding out the truth but re-entered and became a 'gremlin' (gosh I hate that name). ... Download November Osana and Raibaru Progress Report 2019: October 31 2019 Build. – character internal state described by several flags which cause multiple state conflicts and prevents implementation save/load routine. Yandere Simulator contains mature content, and should not be played by children. You are only one person, and there is bound to be a very specific edge case that you end up missing.
Fixed bug that caused Cooking Club members to perform the wrong animations if they were sent to distract a student before they had begun to prepare food. 106 Favourites. Obviously WHATEVER it takes even includes murdering other students in the school when necessary. Latest Official Source: yanderesimulator.com/download, Latest Official Source: yanderesimulator.com/download. I want the official demo to feel like a significant upgrade from the debug sandbox, so I want to update several aspects of the game before I release the demo. But paths for all characters virtually predefined, only player actions disrupts flow. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account.
– unproportional change of time speed/rate rather infurating in current debug build (it’s too stupid – characters go to classroom at 8 am and sit with smartphones and deny any option interact with them until 8:30 am, you can’t take/complete tasks at this time).
Scheduled for release on April, and now pushed back to September. By AllanAltherton Watch. Exciting, right?!
New: Osana's fan script! They weren't added for manual install. See CP2077 for example. the link to pose mod is … Of course, I will support whatever you decide to do with the game, but I really think that you’re making a mistake by not releasing Osana when she is complete. UPDATE 5: Fixed a bug with hitting and enter at the same time using an alternative solution. Dear yandere I’m one of your biggest fan and l have a question after adding osana in to the game when can you adding a ability to allow Yandere-Chan to join students council please tell me I can’t hold it anymore !!! Not only will there inevitably be bugs that you miss (which, I will remind you, is bound to happen with anyone who doesn’t have a group of play testers), but you will have made people wait even longer just to play with Osana in the game. For example, if you are a first-year student, all second-year and third-year students are your 'senpai'. 1 Rivals Mod By KawaiCats & Xhurtbethink 2.0 1.1 Credits to:Edit 1.2 Added 2 The Real Rival-chan in the school by Lana Rose 3 Rivals Mod By KawaiCats & Xhurtbethink 4 Rivals Mod By Mr Karismatic 5 Rivals Mod By: Lana Rose 6 Rivals Mod:The Minor Improvements Update by: TaroSans01 7 Rivals Mod by MadPie 8 Not Another Rivals Mod By … yandere sim you can run and jump and shooting the enemies. The new character models will come after Osana.
Access popular eBook community where readers discover, share, and connect. With that, you could work on all the other things you mentioned in your video to spice up the game/give it a fresh coat of paint, and then release an official demo.
At last, Nijima enters the student body! Oct 31, 2019 ... MOD for Yandere Simulator download. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account.
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), attempted to fix a fault when fun-chan may spawn for some people (Most likely people didnt install the mod correctly). Adjusted the pathfinding grid in the plaza so that students don’t brush against the leaves of the hedges while walking through the plaza. I mean you’re not wrong it’s taking to long even for a game like this I understand you have limited workers but come on 6 years?! Removed rival-chan (Thanks to Feminist Queen for the code!).
Yandere Simulator contains mature content, and should not be played by children.
Enjoy the Osana Activator :). Your comment will be anonymous unless you join the community. It's now possible to add more students in Students.json file.
While I was going through the “quality assurance” phase of Osana’s development, I fixed bugs and removed exploits that were unrelated to Osana.
17 Comments. !❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤, He said in one video that Yandere-Chan will be able to join students council and that it will have numerous benefits.
No you have to eliminate Amai, Kizana, Oka, Asu, Muja, Mida, Osoro, Hanako and Megami after you eliminate Osana to win the game, no the rival eliminated the next week (in the final game) i can see the next rival, I can’t wait till he actually releases Osama and the cutscene I’m so exited. ), The MO now has a picture! Osana is with the MO, New image was uploaded for proof of concept!
Aug 6, 2017 Video from the creator of the mod (Monsterette): ... Download January 5th Bug-Fixing Build 2020: The Final Stage of Osana’s Development. Click “Continue Reading” to see a list! Yandere Simulator es un juego de sigilo con pinceladas de rol, en el que los jugadores asumirán el papel de una joven estudiante de instituto muy celosa (la Yandere de turno), que hará LO QUE SEA por estar cerca de su amado o amada (su senpai). Gracias al pose mod existen muchas versiones del juego. Events include specific time reached. Just be patient if you somehow update your game or just simply download an older build on yandev's fansite.
Tips Yandere School Simulator Sakura Walkthrough for Android, https://play.google.com/store/apps/developer?id=Darkeur+Inc, Tips Yandere School Simulator Sakura Walkthrough. Number of servers: 900 And I …
Tiene las animaciones de Osana y al presionar la tecla Z dice “Baka”. The player is given the option of choosing Senpai's gender at the beginning of the game; they might be 'Senpai-kun', or they might be 'Senpai-chan'. It's so Cool! Her shoes are black and she wears a small red bow on the right side of her head.
From Schoolgirl to Tsundere and to Yandere! Because in any new game part of fun is find solution by myself. Yandere Simulator is a stealth game about stalking a boy and secretly eliminating any girl who seems interested in him, while maintaining the image of an innocent schoolgirl. Yandere Simulator Skin : Osana Najimi Pack +DL. Students who need to vomit will now travel to the toilet that is nearest to their current location, instead of always traveling to a toilet that is on the east side of the school.
Yandere Simulator Mod Osana Najimi Download
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