YES, I DO NOW HAVE ONE 1100 and THREE 30' Vent Rib FULL CHOKE Barrels to go along with it.:banghead: At any rate, I'll add some search words so people can search for the codes: made date manufacture barrel remington 870 11-48 11/48 11/87 11-87 878 Sportsman make year manufactured constructed born on shish kebab plethora iconic tweet. Remington model 1100 16 Gauge Description: Remington model 1100 in the hard to find 16 gauge.Built in 1968.this gun has a 28' vent rib barrel choked modified.The gun retains 95% of the original blue and wood finish.The bore is excellent and free of any rust or dents.This would make a great dove or pheasant gun not to mention being a very collectible piece.C&R eligible. I just recently purchased a Remington 1100 shotgun that has a serial number on the receiver that is 'L79xxxxV'. I'm trying to figure out when it was made and from what I read on a site it stated the first letter would be the month and then the first two numbers would be the year (so mine would be Feb 1979?!?).
Remington never (*) (**) used serial numbers to identify the date of manufacture of it's firearms, they however stamped a date code (spelled out below) by the first letter meaning the month and the last letter the yearof manufacture.
Age Of Remington 1100 By Serial Number. 9/22/2020 The Remington 1100 is a gas-operatedsemi-automatic shotgun. 12 gauge, 16 gauge, 20 gauge, 28 gauge,.410 bore.
BARREL DATE CODE - stamped exposed on LH top rear of barrel after 1920
the following will only be stamped where applicable
#2 Part order barrel (not originally assembled to firearm)
#3 Service section received
#4 Return as received
#5 Employee sale
R.E.P. On the RH side of the barrel will be a Magnaflux, Remington proof & a test mark
If a gun is returned to the factory as a fire damaged, or blown up firearm, the factory will stamp it as a prefix to their date code with a #4 on the barrel and return it un-repaired. Then if the gun is ever subsequently returned to a warranty center or the factory by ANYONE, they will refuse to work on it as an unsafe firearm.
stamped on LH top rear of barrel, 2 or 3 digit, (month first, year after) these will normally only be the last letters as seen below,

with the whole list shown here ONLY if it had been returned for repairs
The anchor shown here with the date code is just a symbol, as many different inspector marks will be seen
The above information was taken from Remington's own information sheet, so if your gun may not conform, then I am also at a loss in explaining.
The factory says all barrels are date code stamped, well I have found some that are not, or if they are, are so erratic stamping that trying to decipher them is impossible.
The photos below may help a bit. Both were taken off Remington 760s, with the one on the left, a 30-06 that I bought new October 10, 1954. This has been rebored to a 35 Whelen Improved. The one on the right again a 30-06, but with a shorter barrel that I made into a knock around quad rifle with pivot mounts.
Here the R represents November, & the ZZ would be 1953. The fourth digit being a 3 is inconsequential being an assembly number. There is no inspector mark on this side. | Here the first (LH) mark is the final inspector mark, the O represents July, the R would be 1968. And the F again being an assembly number. |
B | L | A | C | K | P | O | W | D | E | R | X |
1920 = L | 1930 = Y | 1940 = J | 1950 = WW |
1921 = M | 1931 = Z | 1941 = K | 1951 = XX |
1922 = N | 1932 = A | 1942 = L | 1952 = YY |
1923 = P | 1933 = B | 1943 = MM | 1953 = ZZ |
1924 = R | 1934 = C | 1944 = NN | 1954 = A (JAN. AA) |
1925 = S | 1935 = D | 1945 = PP | 1955 = B |
1926 = T | 1936 = E | 1946 = RR | 1956 = C |
1927 = V | 1937 = F | 1947 = SS | 1957 = D |
1928 = W | 1938 = G | 1948 = TT | 1958 = E |
1929 = X | 1939 = H | 1949 = UU | 1959 = F |
1960 = G | 1970 = T | 1980 = A | 1990 = K |
1961 = H | 1971 = U | 1981 = B | 1991 = L |
1962 = J | 1972 = W | 1982 = C | 1992 = M |
1963 = K | 1973 = X | 1983 = D | 1993 = N |
1964 = L | 1974 = Y | 1984 = E | 1994 = O |
1965 = M | 1975 = Z | 1985 = F | 1995 = P |
1966 = N | 1976 = I | 1986 = G | 1996 = Q |
1967 = P | 1977 = O | 1987 = H | 1997 = R |
1968 = R | 1978 = Q | 1988 = I | 1998 = S |
1969 = S | 1979 = V | 1989 = J | *1999 = T |
(*) Typically from the beginning, they NEVER used serial numbers to DATE their long firearms, but date codes. That does not preclude them from also assigning serial numbers. However for factory purposes, serial numbers were not the primary method of dating a firearm. Long guns made before 1941 (WWII) were serial numbered, even the 22 calibers. After the war with numerous new 22 caliber models being introduced, serial numbers were not assigned to ALL GUNS until the Federal Gun Control Act of 1968.
(**) On 8/9/99, they stopped stamping the barrels with the date code. They however continued to mark the date code on the end flap of the shipping box for shotgun barrels however. They planned on using just the serial numbers to tell when the gun was manufactured. So there was a 2 year gap in rifle date coded barrels and the normal consumer, or gunsmith would have to contact the factory for this information. They then saw the error of their ways apparently because of being inundated by phone calls and resumed stamping the date code on the barrel on 10/1/01.
*2000 = U | 2006 = A | 2012 = G | 2018 = M |
*2001 = V | 2007 = B | 2013 = H | 2019 = N |
2002 = W | 2008 = C | 2014 = I | 2020 = O |
2003 = X | 2009 = D | 2015 = J | 2021 = P |
2004 = Y | 2010 = E | 2016 = K | 2022 = Q |
2005 = Z | 2011 = F | 2017 = L | 2023 = R |
You will notice the year code repeats itself, but over 20 years difference. in this instance, you will need to know when each model was manufactured. To find general manufacturing dates it may be best to go to the Blue Book of Gun Values, which does give manufacturing dates of most models. So even if it (the code stamping) was used on the same model that could have been production over MANY years, in all likelihood sights or stocks would be different which would indicate the different date.
You will also notice the month code spelling out BLACKPOWDERX, this is a common code in the firearms industry. Also some letters were left out if there was a chance of misidentifying a date. Also they jockeyed year letters to a new starting point in 1980.
Also for the 870 and 1100 series shotguns there was a code to identify caliber/size of the actions.
1968 TO PRESENT: LETTERS USED (IN SEQUENCE) S-68, T-74, V-78, W-84, X-90, A-91, B-94, C-97, D-01, AB-05
V 12 GA. (2 3/4”)
M 12 GA. MAGNUM (3”)
A 12 GA. “SUPER” MAGNUM (3 ½”)
W 16 GA. ( 2 ¾” )
J 28 GA.
H .410 BORE (2 ½” OR 3”)
1968 TO PRESENT: LETTERS USED (IN SEQUENCE) L-68, M-74, N-78, P-85, R-90
If you find marks on the underside of the barrel, they will more than likely be fitters or assembly marks, which mean nothing as to dating the firearm.
I have seen one EARLY 740 S/N 54,9XX that has a barrel date coded May of 1969, which apparently had been sent back to the factory and rebarreled with a original 740 barrel instead of a 742 which was in production at that time.
An issue that people need to be aware of, is that many Remington firearms such as the 870 series of shotguns can have their barrels easily changed or replaced. So, if the barrel is not original to the specific firearm in question the barrel date code may be meaningless. Also if there is a custom or aftermarket barrel installed it will not have these factory codes.
Compunding the issue a bit may be the fact that Remington Arms stamps their final inspector stamps and assembly (product) codes in the immediate area of the date codes. So it may be difficult at times to determine exactly what is what. With that in mind, and considering a lot of variables. If a specific Remington firearm has a serial number, Remington Customer Service is always the first source which should be checked for date of manufacture as they would be the definitive source. There are no publically accessible databases for Remington serial numbers.
With the hundreds of different Remington models produced over the past 200 years, it can sometimes be difficult to determine the age of your firearm.
Since serial numbers were not required until 1968, your firearm may not have a serial number. For models without a serial number, we may be able to determine the age by the 2-3 letters that are stamped on the barrel. If your firearm does have a serial number, if you will call or email to the address below, the serial number and model number we can determine the approximate age of your firearm.
Contact Remington through their Help Center by e-mail at or call their historian at 1-800-243-9700 Mon-Fri 9-5 EST. (this number may not be operationa since Remington moved to the deep south).
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Originated 01-29-2007, Last updated 10-26-2020
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Description: A lighter, streamlined version, of the Model 11. The first new shotguns to be introduced by Remington after World War II.
Introduction Year: 1949
Remington 1100 16 Gauge Serial Numbers Diagram
Year Discontinued: 1969
Remington 1100 16 Gauge Serial Numbers Lookup
Total Production: Approximately: 455,600
Designer/Inventor: L.Ray Critendon, Ellis Hailston, and C.R. Johnson
Action Type: Autoloading with a recoiling barrel action
Caliber/Gauge: 12, 16, 20, 28,.410 Gauges
Serial Number Blocks:
12 ga. – Approximately 5,000,000 – 5,172,000*
16 ga. – Approximately 5,500,000 – 5,571,000*
20 ga. – Approximately 5,800,000 – 5,848,000*
28 ga. – Approximately 4,009,000 – 4,027,000*
.410 – Approximately 4,100,000 – 4,125,000*
*Some 12 ga. Models have serial numbers from approximately 20,000 – 213,000
Grades Offered:
Model 11-48A – Standard Grade
Model 11-48R – Riot Grade
Model 11-48B – Special Grade
Model 11-48D – Tournament Grade
Model 11-48F – Premier Grade
Model 11-48 RSS – Rifled Slug Special
Sportsman 48
Mohawk 48 (1970 – 1974)